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Labor Präsentationen plus Dialog

Labor Präsentationen plus Dialog

  • 2965 Visualizações
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September 15, 2016

Alte Saline, Hallein, Austria

  • Quinta-feira, 15 setembro 2016 | Alte Saline, Hallein, Austria


[Texto disponível apenas em inglês] What would the Schmiede be without the labs?” Idle question: On Thursday afternoon there was a busy program at the Forge 16. The members of the individual labs show what is to be implemented during the coming days: Old acquaintances, like Tinkerlab and Cinema Vertigo, will be this year through newer groups like AdhocLAB and Jam Island and brand new ones like Bodyhub, Destructive Interactions and Audio Lab.The forge’s laboratories see themselves as docking stations for the exchange of ideas, experiences and expertise, but also as a communication hub, in order to bring resources together...[Texto disponível apenas em inglês] What would the Schmiede be without the labs?” Idle question: On Thursday afternoon there was a busy program at the Forge 16. The members of the individual labs show what is to be implemented during the coming days: Old acquaintances, like Tinkerlab and Cinema Vertigo, will be this year through newer groups like AdhocLAB and Jam Island and brand new ones like Bodyhub, Destructive Interactions and Audio Lab.The forge’s laboratories see themselves as docking stations for the exchange of ideas, experiences and expertise, but also as a communication hub, in order to bring resources together and to create the synergies necessary to realize the many project ideas of the blacksmiths.

However, the members of the laboratories have also brought their own projects, which are to be implemented in the EXCEPTION STATE: It is about experiencing wood and corrugated cardboard sculptures that are digitally expanded and a playground made of corrugated board equipment. To new body practices, forms of movement and dance ideas. To build instructions for the bizarre do-it-yourself robots who are to participate in the competition Hebocon. Plexiglas cubes designed to represent the female side of the smithy and flooded with water as a total installation like a Baroque fountain. Or the exploratory spirit of disassembling objects and blood as design material in a computer game - the more blood on the opponent’s touchscreen, the harder the interaction. Or the interest in abused tools (lighter as beer opener) and the augmentation of haptics. To return to the simple little things (like paper cuts) that receive imaginative new meanings in animations. To game development from the pure idea to the finished product in exactly two days. Or a 24-hour beatbattle, music-making workshops, how to destroy a live show, and the development of the song that will accompany the Hebocon.

What has become of these and all the other ideas and certainly much more is available at the two retrospective evenings on 23 and 24 September. to see and hear.