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LPM 2018 Rome

Sacred Light Geometry

  • 4017 Visualizações
  • Curtidas
Sacred Light Geometry
[Texto disponível apenas em inglês] Sacred geometry. An ancient knowledge of the past recovery and reinterpreted through the light.
An art form recognized that reinterprets nature. Numbers preserved and reported up to the present day, now trasfomed in light and color through technology.

Duração (minutos)


O que é preciso

The video installation consists in a series lines and disc. The lines are white tape or plastic and the disc are plastic or wood. The shape of the design is changeable and adaptable depending on the context.
Size about 2 m x 2 m. There also an interactive version with leap motion connected and led light bar if theres a structure to hang it.

- 1 Projector 5000 ansilumen :
- 1 Electricity 220V
- 1 HDMI video cable

O que os artistas trazem

Minimad (rasperryP ) White tape Plastic or wood disc

  • AV Installation

Italy Reggio Emilia


LPM 2018 Rome
LPM 2018 Rome
07 // 09 junho 2018