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Boiling Earth

  • AV Performance
  • Video Theatre
  • Experimental Electronics
  • 221 Visualizações
  • Curtidas
Boiling Earth
[Texto disponível apenas em inglês] Astrologically, 2020 was considered one of the most significant and life-changing years in the history of mankind. That year Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto formed conjunctions in Capricorn for the first time in nearly four thousand years, beginning a whole new age in humanity. Pluto is the planet of death and rebirth; Saturn is systems, structures, society, and karma; and Jupiter represents our beliefs, and he’s a magnifying lens, exaggerating all that he touches. These are extraordinary celestial developments, indicating the ending of an entire era.

This year natural disasters of increased frequency and intensity have struck countries all around the world, drawing attention to the fragility and preciousness of our environment. At the same time, the ongoing pandemic of Coronavirus has emphasized to all of us our vulnerability as the human race.

On the verge of a new epoch, Stanislav Glazov and Natalie Golubenko created an audiovisual work “Boiling Earth”, that addresses the question of humanity's place in the Universe. The concept idea came out of the helplessness artists felt at watching another disaster hitting the world. Through creative fictional and non-fictional engagement with video content, the emotive, and sensual are accessed.

O que é preciso

Screen or Beamer and White Wall + Sound

O que os artistas trazem


  • AV Performance
  • Video Theatre
  • Experimental Electronics


Natalia Golubenko
Natalia Golubenko

Germany Berlin

Vídeos (1)