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  • AV Performance
  • Generative
  • Experimental Electronics
  • 5139 Visualizações
  • Curtidas
[Texto disponível apenas em inglês] CLIPSE is an audiovisual performance about the theme of the inner journey inspired by the movie of Spike Jonez Being John Malkovich (1999).
At a first level is a sort of hyper-pornography, designed with a live modification of a video that had been recorded inside the body of the female performer while she played saxophone.
At a second level, visualizing the internal organ filtered by electronic synapses,
it investigates and evokes the stream of thoughts, ideas, emotions emerging during an
improvised music session.
In the performance, AU+ involves the audience in the flow of memories, emotions and relations that emerge during an improvised music session, showing a tunnel directed inside the body and, ideally, inside the mind of the performers. The synchronicity with images is marked by the sound of the wind instrument, harmonized with the rhythm of the breath, sinuously moving inside dark electronic fields, in the difficult research of a melody/sense in noise.
A path that shows his direction moment by moment, reveals unexpected landscapes, unusual perspectives, shows deep emotions in the desert of electronic glitches, manifests, little by little, its right way.

Duração (minutos)


O que é preciso

1 beamer
mixer on stage (optional)

  • AV Performance
  • Generative
  • Experimental Electronics


rosarita crisafi
rosarita crisafi

United Kingdom


United Kingdom


United Kingdom

Vídeos (1)