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  • AV Performance
  • Generative
  • Experimental Electronics
  • 5687 Visualizações
  • Curtidas
[Texto disponível apenas em inglês] excerpt: https://vimeo.com/63976016

With digital technologies becoming more powerful, accessible and democratic, virtual manipulation becomes not only more present, but more realistic. Virtual lie, embedded in our culture of the beginning of the century, is now a staple of the mass media. Modifications of images disturb the veracity of facts. These new realities, constructed and calculated, affect and influence humans by a simple principle of illusion.
Dichotomie was created from these observations, audiovisual project based on a concept of contradictory forces, deconstructed lie emerging from a heterogeneous mixture. Digital manipulation is not insidious; union of disparate elements constitutes the work, dialogue between sound and visual, evolving into canadian and icelandic landscapes, known for their pure and natural beauty.

Duração (minutos)


O que é preciso

The performance is very flexible. The only need is a projector and a sound system.

-VGA cable

  • AV Performance
  • Generative
  • Experimental Electronics


Hugues Clément
Hugues Clément

Canada Montreal


LPM 2014 Eindhoven
LPM 2014 Eindhoven
Sábado, 28 junho 2014

Vídeos (1)