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  • AV Performance
  • Video Theatre
  • Jazz
  • 8934 Visualizações
  • Curtidas
[Texto disponível apenas em inglês] A live music and video performance with 5-6 musicians performing improvised music on stage while VJ Loco interacts in real-time using live video mixed with prepared loops.

Duração (minutos)


O que é preciso

Musicians will bring their own instruments and amplifiers but will need to hook into the mixing board

4 Microphones with stands

4 quarter-inch cables to attach amplifiers to mixing board

3-4 monitors

  • AV Performance
  • Video Theatre
  • Jazz


VJ Loco and Franco Ferguson
VJ Loco and Franco Ferguson

Italy Roma, Pitigliano, Papua New Guinea Lae


LPM 2012 Rome
LPM 2012 Rome
Sábado, 02 junho 2012
LPM 2011 - Live Performers Meeting
LPM 2011 - Live Performers Meeting
Segunda-feira, 23 maio 2011

Vídeos (1)