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[Texto disponível apenas em inglês] LaptopsRus presents CrisisRus
a workshop/meeting/global network node at LPM2013

LaptopsRus is a self-organized open-participation platform engaged in networking woman live performers. In Spring 2009, laptopsRus launched "MEETING | REUNIÓN" as open public meeting of women live performers. Meeting as performance, Reunion as tournament, the meeting takes place inside an electronically updated boxing ring where woman AV performers play with/against each other. Since it’s premiere at Vision’R festival 2009 in Paris, laptopsRus has toured, gathering together 300+ woman live performers locally and internationally. In 2010, laptopsRus had its Madrid extravaganza event with 2 day conference at Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía , 2 night performance at Matadero and one day AV lab workshop at medialab prado. In 2011, laptopsRus took its mobile ring site to Hsin Chu train station plaza in Taiwan. This Asian trip prompts soul searching journey to connect more with Asia, Africa, South American woman live performers.

In 2012, as we observe the economic crisis manifested in anti-austerity outcry in southern Europe (notedly in Greece, Spain, Portugal), we are made aware the widened gap of North-South within the European Union. The ‘crisis’ however does not contain in euro-zone alone. October 13, 2012 marks the day of Global Cacerolazo (dubbed global noise) as massive protests across dozens of cities from 25 countries took to the streets. Cacerolazo, a form of popular protest with stewpot hitting/generating noise, was started in 1971 in Chile, against the shortages of industrial products during the Salvador Allende administration. Over the years, the Cacerolazo form of demonstrations has spread global-wise whenever crisis/protests of sorts took place.

In solidarity with Cacerolazo movement and in recognition of woman labor/force, laptopsRus proposes crisisRus, an online global Cacerolazo live performance with woman performers, homemakers, artists, activists across north-south continents and east-west hemisphere. We plan to create an internet/mobile app. platform, where we take in the noise of beatings on pots and pans, the discontent and the demand for reform. Outreach and networking will be focusing on South east asia, south America and Africa, echoing the crisis we face in our own homeland. With remote feed (via live streams), the live performance remixes slogans, signals, noise and visuals in AV manifestation. LaptopsRus/CrisisRus pumps up the volume of Cacerolazo masses in voicing, coping, solving the imminent crisis that we all share.


Modelling after United Nations security council meeting set up, LaptopsRus/CrisisRus sets up its performers in the center of a circle with the audience seated around. In any given city we perform, we recruit 2-4 local woman live performers in AV performance genre. Each works with the theme of ‘crisis’, ranging from personal, financial, political crisis they are facing/experiencing/advocating. For each performance, we also connect globally. We locate in various cities/countries woman live performers. Here we expand the definition of live performer to include writers, activists, housewives, blue/white collar woman workers, cleaning ladies….. Via netstreams or mobile app. transmission, we receive the remote/global feed of visual/sound echoing the crisis encountered by the general public as demonstrated on street protests. At the center of the performance set up, we are equipped with laptops, AV mixers while surrounded by powerful sound speakers. A projection screen is set up on the front wall where cities/countries of participation are marked with a time clock, indicated the local time of each city. Visual/sound expressions from all performers are remixed for the projection. During this council meeting/ performance, while we highlight each performer’s account of crisis with each of their self-expression occupies an AV channel (on website or on plasma/ipad display), we will only recombine/scramble the AV materials as collective AV projection and amplification overlapping the time clocks. The seated audience are encouraged to bring their pots, pans, spoons and forks in voicing their discontent and jointhe Cacerolazo masses. As we stage the performance in different cities, we build on googlemap a network of woman live performers global-wise, in movement with spreading global crisis we can no longer escape.


CrisisRus is currently in development. The major part of crisisRus project would be to network live performers (particularly women) from all over the world. We would like to propose a development workshop format to conduct our research and development.
We will be using social networking tools, i.e. twitter to 'intervene' the performance. We propose to invite technical/network/stream geeks to join our workshop while we also do international outreach for remote streaming in from other countries.

Duração (minutos)


O que é preciso

We need
(1) broadband internet connection
(2) video mixer
(3) set of audio equipment- includes audio mixer, sound speakers and microphones
(4) 2 projectors

  • Workshop



Spain Madrid