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[Texto disponível apenas em inglês] Stéphane Couapel, also name as Scouap is a french performer, artistic director, video artist, sculptor and painter.
He studied 'Arts Plastiques & Arts Numeriques' (visual arts & digital arts) at the UHB Rennes2 University, where his love for real time video developed, co-excisting with his love of the more traditional arts, notably painting and sculpture.
Naturally, his interest was roused by the possibilities regarding installations and video performance.
Through the development and use of his different types of...
[Texto disponível apenas em inglês] Stéphane Couapel, also name as Scouap is a french performer, artistic director, video artist, sculptor and painter.
He studied 'Arts Plastiques & Arts Numeriques' (visual arts & digital arts) at the UHB Rennes2 University, where his love for real time video developed, co-excisting with his love of the more traditional arts, notably painting and sculpture.
Naturally, his interest was roused by the possibilities regarding installations and video performance.
Through the development and use of his different types of projection screens, he has managed to combine the visual arts with the digital*, becoming a true video'sculpter'.
In the course of his work Scouap has always developed and experimented with new technologies, both digitally and installation wise, which have led him to work with real time video, as well as with interactive video.
After 8 years perfecting his methods in the world of VJ, he has now an impressive list of exhibitions and festivals where his work has been shown, as well as having been able to play for some of the bigger names in the music industry.
Now, fascinated by the concept of exploiting visual space to the fullest, Scouap is now proposing a-typical projections on stage & gigantic projection on buildings (architectural mapping), interior or exterior, to bring the audience an alternative and new way of viewing these well known structures
The combination of this experimental approach of video, the projection there of, the unique usage of space and an instinctive feel for the aesthetic , results in a visual show that truly captivates and inspires an audience.

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