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The Factory Prd
[Texto disponível apenas em inglês] The cultural association The Factory was founded in 2013, merging different artistic personalities and their common desire to create a platform of cultural and artistic exchanges. The team aims at creating and promoting audio/visual projects mixing different artistic means.
From 2013 The Factory has produced more than 100 music videos, 2 short movies, documentaries and photo projects. In 2016 the association set up a project of video art installations called Visual Factory, winner...
[Texto disponível apenas em inglês] The cultural association The Factory was founded in 2013, merging different artistic personalities and their common desire to create a platform of cultural and artistic exchanges. The team aims at creating and promoting audio/visual projects mixing different artistic means.
From 2013 The Factory has produced more than 100 music videos, 2 short movies, documentaries and photo projects. In 2016 the association set up a project of video art installations called Visual Factory, winner of the 2017 Funder35 call for tenders. Visual Factory aims at producing innovative video art installations and sharing a new video culture throughout the diffusion of video art works in public spaces of cities. The Factory created 4 video art installations, exposed in public spaces of Florence and Prato.
In 2018 The Factory set up the performative audio/visual installation Log Out with the sound artist Giovanni Magaglio, member of the "Tempo Reale Musical Research Institute”.
Magaglio graduated with honors in Electronic Music from the Conservatorio of Palermo and in Sound Design from the Conservatorio of Bologna. From 2017 he collaborates as musician, sound designer and sound director with "Tempo Reale" to manage sound projects showed in Venice Biennale, Bologna Teatro Comunale and in Tempo Reale Festival. In 2018 Giovanni collaborated with the Cineteca of Bologna “Cinema Ritrovato” festival to review the Opus 4 soundtrack by Ruttmann and to create the immersive audio/visual installation Mnemè.
“Log Out” won the Sillumina SIAE call for tender 2017 and staged at Teatro Cantiere Florida and Frittelli Contemporary Art Gallery in Florence.

Performances (1)