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[Texto disponível apenas em inglês] This is a live electronic music and visual performance of Cooptrol. The sound comes from machines programmed to the extreme of their possibilities. Polyrhythms and repetition, harsh and direct sounds in tension with spatial and smooth textures. Part programmed, part improvised, part random, this live music performance is supported by generative, reactive, and monochromatic visuals. An attempt to fall in a state of unpredictability and depersonalization, to eliminate handbars and to shake the grounds where mental structures thread.


  • Nome do arquivo: cooptrol-live2013-videopreview__mp4.mp4
  • Tamanho do arquivo: 9.65 MB
  • Duração do arquivo: 00:00:29
  • Dimensões do vídeo: 1440x900


[Texto disponível apenas em inglês] This is a live electronic music and visual performance of Cooptrol. The sound comes from machines programmed to the extreme of their possibilities. Polyrhythms and repetition, harsh and direct sounds in tension with spatial and smooth textures. Part programmed, part improvised, part random, this live music performance is supported by generative, reactive, and monochromatic visuals. An attempt to fall in a state of unpredictability and depersonalization, to eliminate handbars and to shake the grounds where mental structures thread.




Uruguay Montevideo


Cooptrol Live

Cooptrol Live



5128 Visualizações

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