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EngendrA (EngenderS) Video excerpts

  • 1864 Visualizações
  • Curtidas


[Texto disponível apenas em inglês] EngendrA (Engenders) is an AV performance where word is combined with experimental electronic music and live visual projection. In EngendrA we seek through the crossing of art languages to generate a story about identity’s construction.
The world of essences exploded into a thousand pieces. You have to go out and find new speeches. Forcing the known limits, entering to investigation and construct the real through the imagined. Trying to answer the question: How to tell us today?
We use our own image to distort it, fragment it, multiply it and confront it to the desire of achieving Being in the middle of appearances.


  • Nome do arquivo: mr-engendra-v04_mp4.mp4
  • Tamanho do arquivo: 2.62 MB
  • Duração do arquivo: 00:00:08
  • Dimensões do vídeo: 1280x720


[Texto disponível apenas em inglês] EngendrA (Engenders) is an AV performance where word is combined with experimental electronic music and live visual projection. In EngendrA we seek through the crossing of art languages to generate a story about identity’s construction.
The world of essences exploded into a thousand pieces. You have to go out and find new speeches. Forcing the known limits, entering to investigation and construct the real through the imagined. Trying to answer the question: How to tell us today?
We use our own image to distort it, fragment it, multiply it and confront it to the desire of achieving Being in the middle of appearances.




Uruguay Montevideo


EngendrA (EngenderS)

EngendrA (EngenderS)



3901 Visualizações

0 curtidas